Tips & Tricks


5 Factors That Determine Invisible Braces Treatment Time

There are many variables that we can examine when considering one’s aligners treatment period. Why do some require a longer

Tips & Tricks For Healthy Teeth


How To Clean Mouth After Eating

Oral hygiene maintenance plays an essential role in our life because the oral cavity is the gateway to everything we eat, drink

Are Clear Aligners Just a Trend or Do They Really Help?

We all know clear aligners, work – We’ve all seen the results. But how do they straighten teeth precisely? After all, clear

Can Invisible Braces Work with Dental Implants

What do clear aligners have to do with dental implants? How do they work together? Are there any benefits to using them together?

Are Clear Aligners Suitable For Teens

The answer is, totally yes. As long as their teeth have developed to an appropriate stage, the treatment is just as safe and as

Clear Aligners and Veneers

Veneers are restorations added to the front surface of your teeth that can alter their shape and appearance. Clear Aligners are

Ideal Age to Straighten Teeth

Clear aligners in recent years have been revolutionizing how people can go about transforming their smiles. Gone are the days

How Long Do Invisible Braces Take To Work

It is a common conception that orthodontic treatment takes a long time. At the very least a year in fact. We have the notion that

What to expect when you straighten your teeth?

Disappointment. You might want to expect that first. Bear in mind that not everyone is suitable for clear aligners. There are

How To Use Invisible Braces – Best Hacks

Clear aligners offer convenience and an increased level of comfort for your orthodontic treatment. Even so, these hacks will